Starting [Highest] Weight: 255 lbs (July 3, 2008)

Goal Weight

Total Weight Lost

Date Accomplished

245 lbs

Start Weight


240 lbs

5 lbs

235 lbs

10 lbs

230 lbs

15 lbs

225 lbs

20 lbs

220 lbs

25 lbs

215 lbs

30 lbs

210 lbs

35 lbs

205 lbs

40 lbs

200 lbs

45 lbs

195 lbs

50 lbs

190 lbs

55 lbs

185 lbs

60 lbs

180 lbs

65 lbs

175 lbs

70 lbs

Sunday, August 10, 2008

...My Twelfth Day...

Day: 12
Today's Weight: 243.2 lb
Yesterday's Weight: 240.2 lbs

Weight lost:
+ 3.0 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 5.2 lbs




3/4 cup honey-nut cereal, 1/2 cup milk;
1/2 tbs flaxseed
9:45 AM
210 cal
3/4 cup honey-nut cereal, 1/2 cup milk3:30 PM
210 cal

Total: 420 calories



Area of Focus

How long?


...My Motivators... { >_> Making the scale go DOWN.}

...My Demotivators... { Seeing the scale go UP.}


Pigged out again yesterday. Having a social life is nice, having weight gains is not. Getting back on track today. End of story.

I'm just gunna stick to Ana for now. No reason to change up what I know is working-- "Don't try to fix what's not broken." If I hardcore plateu'd with ana, maybe i'll do something drastic, but for now, I'm gonna stick to what I know and love =)