Day: 5
Today's Weight: 244.6 lb
Yesterday's Weight: 244.8 lbs
Weight lost: 0.2 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 3.8 lbs
Food | Time | Calories |
| 6:15 AM | 205 cal |
2/3 cup whole wheat penne pasta (w/ 1/2 tbs butter) | | 200 cal |
| | 70 cal |
| 3:00 PM | 50 cal |
| 5:30 PM | 45 cal |
Total: 570 calories
Exercise | Area of Focus | How long? |
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...My Motivators... {To look good, duh... The newfound potential with Jesse... To feel sexy!...}
...My Demotivators... {Arthur never calling me or contacting me... The trashy men I allow myself to attract because I don't feel good enough about myself to just say "No, I'm not even a little interested" to men that I'm not even a little interested in... Having such low self esteem I feel the need to surround myself with any company, even if I know it will be destructive... Being so fucking lonely it physically hurts... }
So hi! Umm.. It's early, only 6:00 AM. I can't really sleep, though.. I got super sick yesterday (coughing, sneezing, sore throat, the whole nine yards) and it persisted into my sleep and right now. I feel icky-poo. I ate hardly anything yesterday, which I felt okay about since I justified it by being a means of flushing out the pizza / ice cream I binged on.
And true to my "fasting," I got through a binge without gaining a pound... I even lost another .2 lb today. I have to think very carefully about what to eat today. And I'm definitely gonna start taking multi vitamins. Two more days will make it a whole week, and even though it's not a complete success because I had a binge so early, I got right back on track and that's a bigger success in the long run.
Talking to Jesse last night was so nice... he's really opening up to me all of a sudden, and confessing he really hopes there is potential between us, too. I dunno... I'm excited to see where things go, though I'm trying not to get my hopes up too hardcore.
Let's see what else... I'm content for now. It feels like things are "okay." A strong okay, at that. I'm really trying to keep my head up.
I'm sleepies... Not really sleepy enough to sleep, though. Just woozy from being sick. Gunna keep my meals light today again, not that I'm nauseous or anything, just cuz =P hehe. I'm gonna try and make my breakfast a little heavier so I get the full nutritional value of my multivitamin (thanks Anatomy/Physiology class!-- if you ingest the fat-soluble vitamins without a meal containing fat, the vitamins are not absorbed into the body and will pass right through to be excreted in the feces with no benefit to you.)
Ok, let the day begin! :) Hehe.
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