Starting [Highest] Weight: 255 lbs (July 3, 2008)

Goal Weight

Total Weight Lost

Date Accomplished

245 lbs

Start Weight


240 lbs

5 lbs

235 lbs

10 lbs

230 lbs

15 lbs

225 lbs

20 lbs

220 lbs

25 lbs

215 lbs

30 lbs

210 lbs

35 lbs

205 lbs

40 lbs

200 lbs

45 lbs

195 lbs

50 lbs

190 lbs

55 lbs

185 lbs

60 lbs

180 lbs

65 lbs

175 lbs

70 lbs

Thursday, July 31, 2008

...My Second Day...

Day: 2
Weight: 246.6 lbs
Weight lost: 1.8 lbs




1/2 cup mixed berry yogurt (w/ flax seed)

9:00 AM

100 cal

1/2 cup strawbery banana yogurt

11:15 AM

45 cal

3 in. of subway sandwhich

3:00 PM

250 cal

3 in. subway sandwhich

5:30 PM
250 cal

1 spoonful peanut butter cup ice cream

5:45 PM

50 cal

Total: 695 calories
Total Water Consumption: 66 oz = 8 cups


Area of Focus

How long?

Sit ups / hip rolls


10 minutes

Stretch band


10 minutes


...My Motivators... {Standing naked in front of my mirror and feeling sexy instead of digusted.. Being excited to try and meet new people rather than afraid they'll just think I'm fat and not be interested... Having confidence in myself... Being completely secure in beauty [and in myself] once I am actually in another relationship... Being healthy, happy, and sexy!!!}

...My Demotivators... {Arthur blowing me off to talk to other women in the chatroom... Jesse's lack of interest in talking; Jesse rescheduling to meet again and then cancelling [again].... Nep never replying to the email I wrote him four days ago; accepting the fact that it's really completely over between he and I... My brown pants no longer fitting... My clothes being tight; my "fat jeans" fitting tightly...}


G'moorning. Yesterday went pretty well -- I was actually very proud of myself! My sister made perogies with sauteed onions (*DROOL*) and chocolate fudge brownies *x_x* But! I was a good girl and resisted =) I'm not really sure how strict I should be reducing my calories, but right now it seems okay.. I'll just try n' go with the flow, lol. I really like having this blog. It's only been one day, but I'm excited to continually update it and share my progress with...myself. And Trish :) LOL. Maybe some day I'll make this blog public -- how cool would it be to be an inspiration to other women!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

...My Progress in Pictures...

*C*O*M*I*N*G * S*O*O*N =)

...My First Day...

Day: 1
Starting Weight: 248.4 lbs




1/2 cup strawberry banana yogurt

9:00 AM

45 cal

1/2 cup strawbery banana yogurt (w/ flax seed)

11:15 AM

80 cal

5 peach slices

1:30 PM

50 cal

cracked wheat hamburger bun top, lightly buttered
1 tbs semisweet chocolate chips

3:30 PM

150 cal
70 cal

1/2 cup meatloaf (w/ ketchup)

5:45 PM

350 cal

Total: 745 calories


Area of Focus

How long?

Stretch band


10 mins

Crunches, sit ups


10 mins


So um.. I'm making a weight loss journal yay! I should prolly keep this all clean so when I look back at this years later I'm proud of it and not thinking "Wtf was I thinking," like I thought earlier today when I found old blogs of mine. So I've been talking to my oold friend Trisha - we go way back...

meefness (8:25:41 AM): You are all growed up.. its so funny... like I remember when you had little poppers for boobies.

(Yep.. that's how far back we go ^_~ )

Anywho... we are gonna be each other's pillars of strength and support and kick weight in the booty! Lol. I think a blog is exactly the distraction I need in life right now. So!.. I'm gonna work on making it all pretty and obsess over it and update it daily and whatnot =P I really hope that months, years down the road, I can look at this and say "Wow... I did it." How great would that be? Hopefully, I'll be able to tell you.. :)