Day: 2
Weight: 246.6 lbs
Weight lost: 1.8 lbs
Food | Time | Calories |
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| | 250 cal |
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Total: 695 calories
Total Water Consumption: 66 oz = 8 cups
Exercise | Area of Focus | How long? |
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...My Motivators... {Standing naked in front of my mirror and feeling sexy instead of digusted.. Being excited to try and meet new people rather than afraid they'll just think I'm fat and not be interested... Having confidence in myself... Being completely secure in beauty [and in myself] once I am actually in another relationship... Being healthy, happy, and sexy!!!}
...My Demotivators... {Arthur blowing me off to talk to other women in the chatroom... Jesse's lack of interest in talking; Jesse rescheduling to meet again and then cancelling [again].... Nep never replying to the email I wrote him four days ago; accepting the fact that it's really completely over between he and I... My brown pants no longer fitting... My clothes being tight; my "fat jeans" fitting tightly...}
G'moorning. Yesterday went pretty well -- I was actually very proud of myself! My sister made perogies with sauteed onions (*DROOL*) and chocolate fudge brownies *x_x* But! I was a good girl and resisted =) I'm not really sure how strict I should be reducing my calories, but right now it seems okay.. I'll just try n' go with the flow, lol. I really like having this blog. It's only been one day, but I'm excited to continually update it and share my progress with...myself. And Trish :) LOL. Maybe some day I'll make this blog public -- how cool would it be to be an inspiration to other women!