Day: 21
((Time Weighed: 5:00 AM))
Today's Weight: 247.2 lb
Yesterday's Weight: --
Weight lost: 0.0 lbs
Total Weight Lost: -- lbs
Food | Time | Calories |
2 bagels | 10:30 AM | 600 cal |
pumpkin bread | 4:00 PM | 200 cal |
Total: --- calories
Exercise | Area of Focus | How long? |
PetSmart (stocking) | General | 5 hrs |
...My Motivators... { To lose all of this weight I have regained, plus more.. to finally feel beautiful.}
...My Demotivators... { Gunna try my hardest to stay positive.}
I'm restarting! I joined the gym, I'm feeling focused. Today... I am gonna do this. Please ignore the fact that tomorrow is Thanksgiving, lmao.
I'm eating kinda bad today, but it's okay. I feel okay.